ERS and all addenda is to be reviewed by Broker prior to sending for signatures. No exceptions.
The Exclusive Right Sell Agreement is required to be executed prior to listing photos. The $ or % you have on this document legally commits you to how much you can paid. If you put 0, you get paid 0. If you put 1%, you can ONLY get paid 1%.
Set YOUR fee for your services. Remember to get authorization from Broker PRIOR to obtaining Seller signatures at this time.
When executed the ERS, you can use a blank addendum with our suggested best practices verbiage (below) to ensure compensation for representing a Buyer on your own listing.
Suggested compensation on blank ERS:
1.) In the event that (the “Company”) Be At Home Utah and its agent___________, represents the Buyer, the Seller and the Company agree that the Company will have additional liability and responsibilities in the transaction. Seller agrees that _____% of the gross acquisition price shall be added to the Brokerage Fee.
prior to photography